Safeguarding: Are Your Staff Ready for Ofsted? An interview with Charlotte Floyd (Baby Room Practitioner at Kelly & Kids) Kelly & Kids are one of Acorn's consultancy clients and recently had their Ofsted inspection (March 2019), so we thought this would be the perfect opportunity to ask them about what sort of questions they were asked by Ofsted relating to safeguarding. Below is an interview with Charlotte Floyd, a baby room practitioner at the nursery. Charlotte was commended by the Ofsted inspector on her extensive knowledge and the quality of her responses. How did you feel when an Ofsted inspector had entered your baby room? I felt nervous because I didn’t know what questions to expect, and she wasn’t a familiar adult. What did she ask you as she came in? She asked me the following questions and I just kept on talking, sharing my broad knowledge of safeguarding. “What can you tell me about safeguarding in your setting, and how do you safeguard children?” I explained our security system on the front door, which is equipped with a buzzer and phone so we can confirm the visitor’s identity prior to welcoming them in. I then spoke about registration and that we do a headcount, the information of which is displayed on a whiteboard in the room for us all to see. I went into detail about staff to child ratios and the importance of the key person approach and my role within it. I then explained the importance of parent partnership and effective communication with families before describing the four types of abuse and the characteristics found within each one. Following this, I explained the setting procedure for reporting concerns - liaising directly with my manager who is DSL or, in her absence, my deputy. I described what MASH and LADO stand for, and their roles. I didn’t stop talking there, and went on to describe how safeguarding is also linked to learning and development and why it is important to identify next steps and monitor progress - the inspector seemed really impressed with this answer. I described a child’s medical condition and how I safeguard them from possible harm, talking her through my procedures and paperwork. I then told her about the toys and resources on offer, and how the ones that are easily accessible are age appropriate and other experiences are fully supervised. The inspector then asked, “How long ago did you complete safeguarding training?”, and I replied that I had done so a year ago. She then asked, “Have you had an appraisal, and how did it go?” I explained that our meetings are arranged every couple of months and they help to identify strengths and areas to work on. Before leaving my room she said “Wow, you really know your stuff!” I felt I could go on but she was happy with everything I had described. The Ofsted inspector later communicated this with the nursery manager and highly commended Charlotte, commenting on how impressed she was with her extensive knowledge and responses. Ofsted complimented how the manager teaches and refreshes her team’s safeguarding awareness. For example, displays and posters are found throughout the setting for staff, parents and after-school children. Other examples included monthly staff meetings, quizzes, on the spot questions, supervisions, and regular training.