07. What should/can my child bring to the nursery Toys or other objects from the family home should not be brought into the nursery. Comforters are an important transitional object to help support children’s emotional security during unsettling times. Therefore, we will not be stopping children from bringing these into nursery to have them when they are needed. However, to prevent the risk of spreading the virus further, we will be putting the following measures in place: Dummies and hard surface toys will be sterilised on arrival to the setting and before returning home. Blankets and soft toys will remain in the child’s bag throughout the day and given to children at sleep times and at times during the day when needed. If children need their comforter during the day outside of sleep times they will be given to children for a period of time and removed when the practitioner feels they are able to support children through positive interactions. Parents may bring duplicate comforters to keep at the setting and these will be washed daily. Parents will be required to bring clean clothes to nursery each day for their children – we will not be using nursery spare clothes for children at this time. Parents will be required to bring a sun hat for their child to keep at nursery – nursery will not be providing sun hats at this time. Practitioners will safely apply sun cream to all children whilst adhering to strict cross contamination preventative measures by washing hands and disinfecting the bottle after each application.