Bushcraft Holiday Club COVID-19 Update Unfortunately, our Bushcraft holiday club at Salcey Forest has been temporarily closed due to covid-19, with resources focusing on running our outdoor holiday club at Cold Harbour, Milton Keynes, where it is easier to maintain all the additional measures and guidelines relating to covid-19. Our Bushcraft Holiday Club is for children aged 8-16 and is based in Salcey Forest (Northants). The club usually runs on Tuesday & Thursday in most holidays (except Christmas) and is delivered by our team of experienced Bushcraft or Forest School leaders. We release the dates, times and booking details for each school holiday roughly one month prior to the first day of the holiday. To view current availability, please visit our Booking Page. Activities Include: All of the activities at our Bushcraft Holiday Club are slightly more focused that at our forest school holiday club, which is very child-led and free-flowing. Each session at Bushcraft generally has a theme, such as fire work, natural shelter building, or tool work. The children will cook their own lunches during every session. Morning and afternoon snacks are also provided. A selection of example activities are listed below: Fire activities might include: Natural fire lighting, such as flint & steel or bow drill How to build and maintain log fires Fire-based craft activities, such as ember bowls Cooking on the fire and heating up water Using knots to: Build natural shelters or teepees Build tree houses Put up a hammock Manoeuvring logs Putting up rope bridges Various crafts making use of logs Paracord survival bracelets Using tools to: Create natural tools, such as mallets or spikes Whittling and carving techniques Splitting fire wood Map use and orienteering Woodland ID - Flora & Fauna, including tracking Survival techniques, such as water filtration Session Times & Fees: All bushcraft sessions last between 9:30am and 3:30pm. There is a 'wrap around' option where we provide childcare between 8:30-9:30am and 3:30-5:30pm, during which the 'wrap-around' children join our forest school holiday club for the start/end of the day. The prices are as follows: £26 - Bushcraft session, including two snacks and a cooked lunch £6 - Wrap-around session (both AM &PM), including tea in the afternoon To view current availability, please visit our Booking Page.