Will sick leave be extended for Covid-19 related absences? As a minimum, Acorn will support staff in line with the government guidelines on Statutory Sick Pay relating to COVID-19. Acorn’s usual absence policy will also apply. If a member of staff is self-isolating due to them or somebody in their household/support bubble having symptoms or testing positive, or due to close contact with a positive case in an Acorn setting, employees will be able to use any remaining sick leave, family leave, annual leave, or lieu hours to cover any periods of self-isolation. Decision to top up allowances or wages to support staff over self-isolation periods can be made at the discretion of both the relevant manager and the HR Manager or CEO. Employees may not be entitled to full sick pay and may have to take unpaid leave if: Self-isolation is not due to one of the reasons mentioned in section 6 (for example, if an employee chooses to self-isolate due to close contact with somebody in a different household but has not been contacted by NHS Test & Trace) The close contact is due to not following the government guidance properly (weekly SSP is payable but only if contacted by NHS Test & Trace) Self-isolating due to having COVID-19 symptoms but the employee does not provide proof of a positive test result after 7 days (classed as fit note)