Tree house development at Stony Stratford

Description: Our nursery at Stony Stratford has a lovely woodland garden which is located in a conservation area. In 2019, with the support of donations and volunteers from local businesses, we developed this area to provide an engaging and educational natural area that children at the nursery could access throughout the day. This included developing it further by building a tree house in a spectacular Yew tree situated in the woodland garden. The nursery worked with Ian Freemantle, a carpenter local to Stony Stratford, to develop this tree house, which complements a wide range of activities and resources, including a small campfire, bird hide, large bug hotel, den building area, small stream, an area for growing plants and fruit/veg, among many others. Acorn believes that, by engaging children in nature at a young age, we will be nurturing them to form a caring and respectful relationship with it, which will in turn have long lasting benefits on the child’s wellbeing and on the natural world. 

Target amount: £1,750 (Acorn matched all donations made)

Amount raised: £2,422.07 - a huge thank you to everybody who was able to contribute their kind donations and for your continued support throughout this fundraising project. And thank you to Ian, the craftsman behind the beautiful build!

Completion date: December 2021 


Garden development at Burton Latimer

Description: Our nursery at Burton Latimer has a wonderful and large outdoor space, and in June 2018, they decided that they would like to develop this space to maximise its potential and provide continuous opportunities for the children who have free flow access to the garden at all times. The project was completed in phases, with each phase developing something new in the garden area for each age group. We have now built an outdoor shelter, created a large 'woodland fort', climbing area, mud slide, and bought a bus, which allows us to take the younger children on walks in groups of six. 

Target Amount: £14,500

Amount raised: £12,385.22 (For every £2.50 fundraised, Acorn contributed a further £1 to this project) 

Completion date: 2021