Our current vacancies are listed on this page. Clicking the links below will open a new window with more details. [insert_php] // The rss link provided by the People app $url="https://acornchildcare.peoplehr.net/Pages/JobBoard/CurrentOpenings.aspx?o=8993a976-b644-4f1f-86c3-b259650eb385"; //the XML file load $file=simplexml_load_file($url); $vacancies=$file->channel->item; //Cicle trough each vacancy and display it for($a=0;$a<count($vacancies);$a++) { // $vacancies[$a]->title = the title of the vacancy // $vacancies[$a]->description = the description of the vacancy // $vacancies[$a]->link = the link to the People the vacancy application form // $vacancies[$a]->vacancyname = the vacancy name // $vacancies[$a]->location = the title of the vacancy // $vacancies[$a]->department = the title of the vacancy // $vacancies[$a]->salaryrange = the title of the vacancy // $vacancies[$a]->closingdate = the title of the vacancy echo '


'; // echo '


'; // echo ' Location of Vacancy: '.$vacancies[$a]->location.' '; // echo 'Department: '.$vacancies[$a]->department.' '; echo 'Salary Range: '.$vacancies[$a]->salaryrange.' '; echo 'Closing Date: '.$vacancies[$a]->closingdate.' '; echo '

More details and application

'; } [/insert_php]