About us Acorn News Eco-Schools Green Flag Award at Kents Hill! We are so proud to announce that our Kents Hill nursery has been awarded the Eco-Schools Green Flag, with Distinction Award! This is an international accreditation that recognises young people's environmental actions! Huge well done and congratulations to all the children and the staff at the nursery and our eco-lead Molly for leading an ambitious, confident and dedicated eco-committee at Kents Hill nursery! Here are some of the benefits the Eco-Schools programme has for children: Engages young people in important environmental issues Demonstrates to children that environmental actions can be enjoyable, social and rewarding Teaches responsibility and generates a sense of community Develops the skills and knowledge young people need to play an active role in protecting our environment now and throughout their lifetimes Empowers children with the belief that they can have a positive impact on our planet Independent research has also found that children’s participation in Eco-Schools leads to: increased confidence, development of leadership skills, improved behaviour and greater motivation at nursery/school. You can view how the Eco-Schools framework links to Ofsted’s children’s personal development, behaviour & welfare common inspection framework here.