Delivered by Rachel Buckler

Dates & times available for the online version of the course:

  • TBC

This course will be delivered by Zoom. Joining instructions will be sent 1-2 days prior to the course start date. You will have ongoing access to the system with the course materials after the course has finished.

To book a course, please find the date you desire on our website booking page and select 'book now'.

Course Aims:

To understand safeguarding and child protection legislation and guidance that underpins effective child centred practice.

To inform learners of what is required of them when working within an early years context.

To provide important information regarding the safeguarding of children, enabling those who are working with them to respond confidently and appropriately should they be concerned about their safety and welfare.

Learning Outcomes:

By the end of the training, delegates should:


Our safeguarding and child protection roles and responsibilities. Legislation and government guidance. Safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility.


Learning from case reviews. The categories of abuse and neglect. Thresholds of need. Safeguarding and child protection themes. Responding to a child’s disclosure.

Help and support:

Early help and early intervention. Working in a multi-agency context. Multi agency – Early help. Safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children. Multi agency – Child in need.


Taking action to protect a child. Multi -agency - child protection. Working with statutory services. Allegations against professionals or adults working with children.


Following and engaging in procedures to protect a child including making a referral to children’s services social care. Information sharing. Recording and reporting. Reporting concerns to the LADO.