Links with the Community Ensuring every Acorn setting is socially embedded within the wider community is one of the organisation's key social outcomes, and thus one of the levels at which we aim to instigate change. To do this, we maintain strong links with other people, groups and organisations in the community, whilst also striving to identify and meet the wider childcare needs in the community. Intergenerational activities - Wherever possible, our nurseries form close links with local care homes which provides opportunities for both children and the elderly to join in with singing, reading and a variety of other activities, providing fantastic benefits for all involved. Community events - Our staff are always on the look out for activities that are occurring in the local communities, and wherever possible will arrange for the children in their setting to join in. These events may include community fairs, garden shows, school fetes, among many others. Local landowners - Every Acorn setting offers regular forest school sessions to its children in a local natural area. To do this, we identify and work closely with local landowners. By delivering sessions locally, we aim to encourage our families to visit natural areas local to them in their spare time. Supporting families to work - By providing flexible, accessible and high quality childcare, particularly in areas of social disadvantage, we aim to encourage and support parents/carers in our communities to go back to work, thus helping the local community to thrive. We aim to be flexible and support the wider childcare needs of the community to help with this goal, which is where our out of school clubs and creches help. Working in Partnership - We work in partnership with other people and organisations within the communities that we work to increase any positive outcomes on both our children and local residents of the community